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Helpful Hotel Information - Sheraton Hotel

With all reservations, but especially when multiple reservations are involved, getting things squared away ahead of arrival can help facilitate the check-in process for you as well as your fellow attendees who may be waiting in line during peak check in times. This information is applicable to the Sheraton Hotel, however similar procedures will apply at all of our overflow hotels.

Reservation Name

The name of the guest who will be occupying the room should be the name on the reservation before arrival. When changes are necessary, this can easily be done using the same link you used to make the reservation, or by using the "click here" option in your hotel confirmation email to modify the reservation. Do not use another person's name (including spouse) to obtain Bonvoy credits. When you show up to check-in and the name is different on the reservation, it delays the check in process for everyone. Make the reservation using the name on your official ID (driver's license) and/or credit card used to make the reservation if charges are to be billed to your credit card.

Credit Card Authorization Forms - When Payment Card is Not Present at Check In

Groups Paying with One Credit Card - When Payment Card is Present at Check In

Other Conference Negotiated Room Blocks

The above group info is the policy of the Sheraton Hotel where we have the largest room block. You may contact the hotel where you have a reservation(s) if it is not the Sheraton to inquire about their policy for groups checking in.

Mobile Check-In is Recommended!

Save time and use the Bonvoy app to check in at the Sheraton or Marriott! You must add YOUR Bonvoy account number to your reservation. You cannot use another person's Bonvoy number. The reservation must be in YOUR name and the name must match the name on your Bonvoy account.

Please note for mobile check-in when you have a government rate room, the email on your reservation must be a government agency email, otherwise the mobile check in will not process and you will need to check in at the front desk.

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