What do you get when you combine donated technology, mapping, specialized child sex trafficking (CST) analysts, and the nationwide tracking of CST trends? You get an intel-driven, law enforcement sensitive, interactive map for large-scale event operations. NCMEC has a close working relationship with a team at Esri and using their GIS mapping software we can visually map real-time intelligence on missing children who are likely child sex trafficking victims, possible traffickers, adult entertainment venues, hotel/motels, gangs, and child sex trafficking hot spots to support operational planning and execution. In this session you will learn how NCMEC’s Child Sex Trafficking Analytical Team is tracking trafficking trends nationwide (and what those are), utilizing over thirty years of NCMEC data, and the experience of eighteen specialized child sex trafficking analysts to support law enforcement efforts to locate child sex trafficking victims.
Learning Objectives:
The importance of developing intel-driven operations utilizing the Child Sex Trafficking Team (CSTT) – PreOp and real-time analytical assistance (on-site or virtual)
How we combine GIS mapping technology and NCMEC/CSTT data on missing children and trafficking intel for large-scale events
Live demo of a robust, intelligence-driven law enforcement operational dashboard