The goal of this training is to teach law enforcement officers how to gather digital evidence against someone posting aggressive or threatening messages so that they may be quickly identified and the appropriate action quickly taken. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of investigating social media and internet related crimes that deal with domestic terrorism. The presenter will explain how to use the Electronics Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to your advantage in identifying the person responsible for posting the online threats BEFORE they, i.e., a school shooter or other violent person, have the opportunity to hurt or kill our children. This school year alone LEO's who have attended this class, have stopped approximately forty acts of school shootings, bombings and stabbings with the tools provided in this class.
Learning Objectives:
Obtain the basic overview of various social networks and what information they possess and how to obtain that information when a threat comes in
Understanding what the term “leakage” means and how we can interpret the information
Knowing what tools law enforcement has according to ECPA and learn about online the investigative tools that are free and open source in their use