Sports are an American pastime, and one that can offer a variety of physical, mental, and social benefits for those who take part However, it has become clear that sexual, emotional, and physical abuse occur in the context of sport at higher rates than previously understood or acknowledged. The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 named the U.S. Center for SafeSport (“Center”), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, as the nation’s safe sport organization. The Act codified the Center’s scope and authority to resolve abuse and misconduct allegations for more than eleven million individuals throughout the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement (“Movement”). In this session, we will discuss the Center’s creation and its current work. We will also talk through the current process of receiving and investigating allegations of misconduct and abuse. Finally, we will utilize case studies involving sexual abuse of minors to discuss the ways in which the Center collaborates with organizations across the country to obtain the best outcomes in matters that involve abuse and the Movement.
Learning Objectives:
Gain an understanding of the Center’s background and the work in which it is currently engaged.
Gain an understanding of the Center’s Response & Resolution process.
Understand the opportunities available for the Center and organizations (LEOs, CACs, etc.) to collaborate to protect those involved in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement.