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Tweets by CACC 2023
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Haddow, Michael
New South Wales Police Force
The Ghillie Suit Rapist: A Case Study
Room:Lone Star C3/C4
Michael Haddow
The Ghillie Suit Rapist: A Case Study (REPEAT)
Room:Lone Star C3/C4
Michael Haddow
Hansford, Brittany
Montgomery County District Attorney's Office
Who Left Him for Dead? Investigation and Prosecution of Abusive Head Trauma
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Brittany Hansford
Who Left Him for Dead? Investigation and Prosecution of Abusive Head Trauma (REPEAT)
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Brittany Hansford
Confessions that Protect Predators? Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Brittany Hansford
Confessions that Protect Predators? Ain't Nobody Got Time for That! (REPEAT)
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Brittany Hansford
Hardaway, Dedra
Dallas Children's Advocacy Center
DCAC Client Journey From Intake to Graduation (Part 1)
Room:Houston A
Dedra Hardaway
DCAC Client Journey From Intake to Graduation (Part 2)
Room:Houston A
Dedra Hardaway
DCAC Client Journey From Intake to Graduation (Part 1) On Demand
Room:On Demand
Dedra Hardaway
DCAC Client Journey From Intake to Graduation (Part 2) On Demand
Room:On Demand
Dedra Hardaway
Harrison, Annie
Ingham County Sheriff's Office
Mindhunting in Practice: Multidisciplinary Collaborations in Offender-Focused Investigations (REPEAT)
Room:Plaza B/C
Annie Harrison
Mindhunting in Practice: Multidisciplinary Collaborations in Offender-Focused Investigations
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Annie Harrison
Harvat, Michael
United States Marshals Service
US Marshals: International Megan’s Law and The National Sex Offender Targeting Center (NSOTC)
Michael Harvat
US Marshals on Fugitive Sex Offenders and an Overview of Sex Offender Registry Differences
Room:State 4
Michael Harvat
Hernandez, Wilfredo
Removing the Weeds from all that Data (Exhibitor Workshop)
Room:State 3
Wilfredo Hernandez
Hill, Graham
In the Footsteps of Child Molesters
Room:Lone Star A1/A2
Graham Hill
Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse in Positions of Trust
Room:Lone Star A1/A2
Graham Hill
Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse in Positions of Trust (REPEAT)
Room:Lone Star A1/A2
Graham Hill
How to Improve Your Suspect and Victim Interviews by Understanding Adult Sex Offender Behavior
Room:Plaza B/C
Graham Hill
In the Footsteps of Child Molesters (REPEAT)
Room:Plaza B/C
Graham Hill
Ask the Expert: Understanding and Monitoring Offenders of Child Sexual Abuse with Graham Hill and Jim Tanner
Room:Dallas D1/D2
Graham Hill
How to Improve Your Suspect and Victim Interviews by Understanding Adult Sex Offender Behavior (REPEAT)
Room:Houston B/C
Graham Hill
Hochhauser, Rachel
Snap Inc.
Real Talk About Fake Pills: Keeping Kids Safe in the Fentanyl Era
Room:San Antonio A/B
Rachel Hochhauser
Real Talk About Fake Pills: Keeping Kids Safe in the Fentanyl Era (On Demand)
Room:On Demand
Rachel Hochhauser
Introduction to Snapchat Law Enforcement Operations (REPEAT)
Room:Austin 1
Rachel Hochhauser
Holler, Jim
Holler Training
Criminal Minds: Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Sexual Predators (Part 1) 2nd REPEAT
Room:Pegasus A/B
Jim Holler
Criminal Minds: Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Sexual Predators (Part 2) 2nd REPEAT
Room:Pegasus A/B
Jim Holler
Understanding Patterned Injuries
Room:Lone Star C3/C4
Jim Holler
Criminal Minds: Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Sexual Predators (Part 1) 1st REPEAT
Room:San Antonio A/B
Jim Holler
Criminal Minds: Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Sexual Predators (Part 2) 1st REPEAT
Room:San Antonio A/B
Jim Holler
Understanding Patterned Injuries (On Demand)
Room:On Demand
Jim Holler
Criminal Minds: Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Sexual Predators (Part 1)
Room:Austin 1
Jim Holler
Criminal Minds: Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Sexual Predators (Part 2)
Room:Austin 1
Jim Holler
Holloway, Luke
Homeland Security Investigations
Operation SWIPE LEFT: Exploiting Telegram to Take Down a Ring of Pedophiles
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Luke Holloway
Operation SWIPE LEFT: Exploiting Telegram to Take Down a Ring of Pedophiles (REPEAT)
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Luke Holloway
Holt, Karen
Michigan State University
Mindhunting in Practice: Multidisciplinary Collaborations in Offender-Focused Investigations (REPEAT)
Room:Plaza B/C
Karen Holt
Mindhunting in Practice: Multidisciplinary Collaborations in Offender-Focused Investigations
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Karen Holt
Homan, Kate
Modell Consulting Group, LLC
Non-Verbal: What it Means and Why a Forensic Interview is Still Possible
Kate Homan
Non-Verbal: What it Means and Why a Forensic Interview is Still Possible (REPEAT)
Room:State 4
Kate Homan
Working Together: How CACs and MDTs Can Best Serve Children with Disabilities
Kate Homan
Hood, Madison
Harrison County District Attorney
The Face of Evil: Foster Parent and Predator
Room:Lone Star C1/C2
Madison Hood
Using Teamwork to End Violent, Unthinkable Child Abuse (REPEAT)
Room:Dallas D3
Madison Hood
Using Teamwork to End Violent, Unthinkable Child Abuse
Room:Houston B/C
Madison Hood
The Face of Evil: Foster Parent and Predator (On Demand)
Room:On Demand
Madison Hood
The Face of Evil: Foster Parent and Predator (REPEAT)
Room:Austin 2/3
Madison Hood
Howard, Jordan
Upstart Resilience
Persistence Pays: Outcomes of a Decades-Old Cold Case (REPEAT)
Jordan Howard
Male Childhood Victims Turned Advocates: Healing Oneself, Helping Others (REPEAT)
Jordan Howard
Persistence Pays: Outcomes of a Decades-Old Cold Case
Room:Houston B/C
Jordan Howard
Male Childhood Victims Turned Advocates: Healing Oneself, Helping Others
Room:Houston B/C
Jordan Howard
Hunnicutt, George
Michelin North America
The All-American Girl: Medical Child Abuse Across State Lines (Part 1)
Room:Lone Star C3/C4
George Hunnicutt
The All-American Girl: Medical Child Abuse Across State Lines (Part 2)
Room:Lone Star C3/C4
George Hunnicutt
The All-American Girl: Medical Child Abuse Across State Lines (Part 1) REPEAT
Room:San Antonio A/B
George Hunnicutt
The All-American Girl: Medical Child Abuse Across State Lines (Part 2) REPEAT
Room:San Antonio A/B
George Hunnicutt
Hunter, David
Crisp, a Kroll business
Danger Lurking in the Open: Why ‘Curated for Consumption’ is the Next Big Threat to Child Safety
Room:City View 6
David Hunter